Saturday, September 15, 2007

I need a Car....

Yep Its a Block Nava :P

Friday, September 14, 2007

So. is available. $8.95/yr + ICANN $0.20 Fee.

So everyone donate 2.50 to paypal :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

We Needs It!

Why we needs it

Obtained-$60 / $400-Goal

Fuck Yeah!

Got a 92% on my first test of the semester. 55/60


STFU, I did it in Paint


WoR Interesting Updates

Lull at competitive WoW gaming, no moar!


20% of all known Trojans aimed at WoW

Yesterday, Kapersky Labs published a report that online games are increasingly becoming the primary target of fraudsters and criminals lured by the promise of "easy money" and an eager customer base for items on the black market.

According to the report, 40 per cent of all trojans are aimed at Lineage 2 with Blizzard's World of Warcraft being the second most popular target with 20 per cent of all known trojans aimed at extracting information from its players.


World Series of Video Games no longer produced

"Effective immediately, Games Media Properties will no longer produce the World Series of Video Games. The remainder of the 2007 season in Los Angeles, London and Sweden is cancelled."

They will now focus solely on growing their online advertising network of websites.

Sad day for WoW as a competitive game.


Death Knight lore questions for the Expansion

Just like the warlocks verbal about their practices in the Horde and Alliance, these death knights claim they can use their powers against the force that grants them, in this case the Lich King.

You are correct.
Keep in mind that Warlocks aren't generally welcomed with open arms either (depending on the culture of the race in question). It's most likely that Death Knights aren't going to find themselves being popular guests at the town picnic, however, I'm sure they will be utilized to combat the power of the Lich King just the same.

So despite drawing on powers that the Lich King provides, they remain entirely autonomous of him? Seems very charitable coming from a guy who enjoys driving paladins insane and making thralls out of people.

I don't think charity comes into it in this case. Look at Lady Sylvanas. I don't think he's pleased he lost control over her and the Forsaken that joined her.

So the deathknights will be similar to the forsaken? In that they both simply escaped the lich king's grasp? Neato.

I wouldn't say necessarily similar, though I'm sure you could extrapolate some similarities. We have yet to lay out the path to becoming a Death Knight, however, there is significant question as to what choices will be available for those that go down that path. Remember, Arthas didn't set out to become a Death Knight, but his good intentions were twisted on him. He may yet get some pleasure out of doing the same to others.